Delivering 10X the Quantum Performance Each Year

At Quantinuum, we continuously upgrade our quantum computing technologies to provide the best available performance and experience to users.

Accelerating Quantum Computing

Our mission is to accelerate quantum computing and use its power to achieve unprecedented breakthroughs in pharmaceutical drug discovery, healthcare, materials science, cybersecurity, energy transformation, and technologies to help mitigate climate change.

Major Upgrade for System Model H1-1, Powered by Honeywell

20 fully connected qubits

Preserved low two-qubit gate errors

Maintained fidelities from 99.7–99.8%

Increased gate zones from 3 to 5 for increased parallel operations

Performance verified by JPMorgan Chase and others

Validating Fidelity

“The quantum computing team at JPMorgan Chase has been using Quantinuum’s quantum computer to run experiments that use mid-circuit measurement and reuse quantum conditional logic, taking advantage of the computer’s very high quantum volume,” In our experiments, we used the 20 qubits of the H1-1 computer on a quantum Natural Language Processing algorithm for extractive text summarization. The results were almost identical to the reference values computed with a noiseless simulator, validating the computer’s high fidelity, as shown in our recent arXiv preprint. Thanks to this, the Quantinuum computer continues to be an essential resource for our research in Quantum Computing.”

Marco Pistoia, Ph.D., Distinguished Engineer and Head of Quantum Computing and Communication Research, JP Morgan

Building Economic Value

Quantinuum has a unique model for hardware development. We have chosen to accelerate the economic value of the computers, and we continuously upgrade. Customers have access to our most powerful machines which means continuous upgrade in fidelity, quantum volume, speed, and number of qubits.

Quantinuum also provides commercial access to its emulator and trapped-ion quantum computers via subscription, and through Microsoft Azure Quantum and the Quantum Credits program.

Meet the Team
Aaron Hankin
Lead Physicist
Project role:  Led the H1-1 commercial operations

How does it feel to have achieved this milestone?

“I am overjoyed to see many years of planning and hard work realized in this upgrade to the H1-1 system.”

What does this upgrade mean for users/customers?

“H1-1 users now have access to a total of 20 physical qubits, an impressive increase of 8 qubits from our previous offering. This increase in qubit number includes a set of fundamental single and two-qubit gates with fidelities that match or exceed the N=12 system configuration, all while maintaining a fully connected graph.”

Jim Walker
Principal Quantum Engineer
Project role: Led the software team focused on real-time device control and monitoring, real-time quantum control languages, and higher-level quantum job processing.

How does it feel to have achieved this milestone?

“At this point, I have seen our team achieve so many world records, I am no longer surprised. When you are surrounded by such world-class talent, where everyone gives it their all, and supports the smallest request knowing it could make a crucial difference, you get energized. And you develop a new understanding of what is possible.”

What does this upgrade mean for users/customers?

“With the upgrade of our H1-series quantum computers to 20 qubits, our customers are going to continue to experience world-class quantum performance at even larger scales that will allow them to push the envelope once again and achieve even more things that have never been done before.”